New Google Premier Partners – Explained

We’ve been really excited to be able to share this news. Sometimes it’s hard to keep quiet about exciting Google developments! But we’re finally able to tell you that Google have updated their Partners programme – with the introduction of a new Google Premier...

Broadplace Attain Google Analytics Certified Partner Status

Earlier this month, Broadplace Advertising attained the prestigious status of being a Google Analytics Certified Partner. The Google Analytics Certified Partner program is a company level accreditation for business consultants who package, sell and deliver analytics,...

Broadplace Advertising invited to Google Partner program

Google has recently created a new and improved experience for agencies and digital marketing professionals combining certification and tools in a program called Google Partners. Partners replaces the old Google Engage program of which Broadplace was previously a...

Broadplace Attracts New Business at the South East Business Show

On Friday 18th May, there was a great event held at the Millennium Conference Centre in Effingham Park, Gatwick. It was there that hundreds of businesspeople from across several sectors met to socialise, trade and network at the South East Business Show 2012. Every...
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