Earlier this month, Broadplace Advertising attained the prestigious status of being a Google Analytics Certified Partner.

The Google Analytics Certified Partner program is a company level accreditation for business consultants who package, sell and deliver analytics, website testing and conversion optimisation services to online businesses.

Acceptance into this Program requires each certified company to be the elite in terms of analytics implementation, analysis, insight, reporting and training. To ensure these high standards, Certified Partners are vetted by Google and go through rigorous qualification.

Our submission document outlined three key analytics projects we have worked on over the last few months, for different clients that went beyond basic Google Analytics implementation, demonstrating that we have the infrastructure in terms of technical support, new client acquisition and have at least one employee who has passed the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ). For the record, we have 8!

In addition to our case study portfolio, we also went through an interview with an the Google Analytics Global Partner Program Manager, based in the US which covered such areas as our overall vision for Google Analytics, the wider benefits to our client base, and our mission to help small and medium sized organisations uncover data which will help them make their businesses better.

If your business requires the help of an implementation or analysis expert, please get in touch and we can provide you with the solution. We can also provide bespoke Analytics solutions to any individual or business whatever your level of understanding from training to the most advanced implementation and analysis.

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