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Digital PR Case Study:

Get More Vits

Get More Vits

Launching a Digital PR strategy for leading vitamin water brand Get More Vits, we used reactive PR to earn the brand a share of voice within the space, alongside promoting resident nutritionist Becky Graham as an expert in the field.

Our approach helped the brand secure dozens of high-authority links and expertise shared across publications such as The Express, Huffington Post and The Sun.

Links to the site

Referring domains earned

Million views across the coverage

The challenge

Get More Vits were significantly trailing the competition when it came to backlink profile and presence within the media space. Our objective was to increase brand awareness in line with the wider SEO and PPC strategy.

The Broadplace approach

With the health space booming, a reactive-first strategy was put in place, developing a smooth and effective sign-off system that allowed us to utilise the expertise of the brand’s resident nutritionist, Becky Graham.

Becky was able to offer insight into a range of subjects associated with health and nutrition, with a clear structure allowing us to deliver useful commentary for journalists in quick time, cementing a relationship with publications and specific journalists and ensuring for future requests they get directly in contact.

The results

Over a three-month period, we secured high authority links and closed competitor linking gaps across a number of national and health-related press. Collecting 81 links to the Get More Vits website, the brand enjoyed an estimated 1.24 million viewers across the coverage, with Becky Graham’s insight published in articles on the likes of The Sun, The Express, Yahoo and more.


About the Client

Get More Vits are an independent UK-based provider of healthy, great tasting, functional vitamin soft drinks. They can be found in a number of the UKs leading supermarkets and over 17 countries worldwide. 



Services rendered

  • Reactive PR
  • Campaign led content

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